Hi, I'm AKea!
A creative family bucket list traveling, mama & full service travel agency!

I'm a midwest mom who loves life and adventure. I believe travel is transformative, physically taking us to new heights that leave a profound impact within us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually! I believe a quality of life filled with passion, purpose and meaning. I believe in tradition. I want my children's children to find joy in 16+ hour road trips on summer vacation, the smell of the ocean, being excited to watch the sunrise, chase sunsets, bask in the best tasting food, being emerged in culture, stumble on hidden gems and learning from locals. My hope is for more people to become addicted to the freedom of exploring the world one adventure at a time.

Work with Me!
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My hope starting this blog and travel agency is to give my readers relatable and trustworthy content they are able to resonate with. I hope to continue to encourage others to live intentionally knowing we don't get do-overs, and to invite past, present, and future clients to allow me to help them with their booking needs. 

I am committed to only partnering with brands that I love and see value in for my readers but also align with my personal value system. 

Here are a few of the ways we can work together:

  • Brand Ambassadorship

  • Press Trips that accommodate families of all ages

  • Sponsored Posts

  • Destination Marketing

  • Hotel Reviews

  • Social Media

  • Travel Product Review

  • Influencer Marketing

  • Life and wellness coaching

I appreciate you for taking time to stop by and cannot wait to collaborate!